Sunday, July 20, 2014

The scene opened in a loft. There was loud rap music playing and good looking girls dancing in what felt like every inch of the room. There was alcoholic beverages and smoke in the air, and it was difficult at first to make out just what type of scene we were entering in to. The camera whipped around this room of debauchery before it finally picked up AJ Styles. AJ had a black hoodie on over his head and black jeans. He smacked one of the girls on the behind and smirked viciously. Surprisingly she just turned to him and smiled and continued dancing. About three steps behind him was Ted DiBiase. Ted was in a white designer shirt with blue jeans. The two of them exited the madness and opened a door that led to a quieter room. You could still hear the party in the background but it was certainly muffled compared to the initial moments of the scene. Already in the room wearing a dark blue button up and fitted blue jeans was The Miz. His hair was slicked all the way around and he had more facial hair than we were used to seeing him with.

AJ Styles: Some of the hottest bitches in the world are on the other side of this door and we’re having a no girls allowed meeting in a private room. I thought The Trilogy was supposed to be cool.

The Miz and Ted both let out a light chuckle.

The Miz: Apparently we’re not cool at all. We rocked the very foundation of EBWF when the 3 of us realigned, and then the first Warfare after it happened. We weren’t even invited. Just not the type of respect we were expecting, nor the type of respect or lack thereof that we deserve.

The Miz let out a sigh.

The Miz: I don’t know guys, if they don’t want to give us the respect we’ve already earned, I don’t think we have much of a choice but to take it. You see things change rapidly in the EBWF. Belts shift hands, people debut, people leave, sometimes shortly after they debut. The one constant though, the one thing that has stayed pretty consistent, is that The Miz, AJ Styles, and Ted DiBiase are now and have always been 3 power players in professional wrestling. When the Trilogy debuted the first time through, we had it all, we put a choke hold on this company. This time around, you can’t help but feel like this company has its guard up. This time around you can tell that the defenses are up in a major way, they are determined NOT to let the Trilogy run rough shot over them again. Well too bad so sad, because if there’s one thing I know it’s this... there is NOTHING that ANYONE can do to keep us from doing and taking what we want. Starting with Rated RKO this Monday Night.

AJ shook his head at the mention of them.

AJ Styles: Exactly Miz, I mean how obvious can they be? You can just seem them all in a room together. “Oh FUCK, Trilogy is back together, what should we do?” Then someone’s like “I know! We’ll send Rated RKO after them.” Then someone else is like “Right but it’s not 2004” and then the first persons like “But Randy’s a snake and Edge is Rated R” Well if whatever reject thinks that Rated RKO is going to stop The Trilogy then they are rated D for dumbass. Miz and I have destroyed them in the past and we’ll have no problem doing it again. The EBWF is going to have to go back to the drawing board pretty fast, because if they think Randy and Edge are the two bastards that are going to play hero, if they think Randy and Edge are the two guys that are going to keep Trilogy from asserting their dominance once more, they are going to be extremely disappointed when we beat them into oblivion on Monday Night.

Ted and Miz nodded.

Ted Dibiase: Just a confusing situation all around. Just never makes any sense at all when Randy and Edge get together everyone wants to make a big deal about it. Like two long lost buddies that everyone gets a chub for when they are in the ring together. But why? I’ve never gotten it. What everyone is looking at right now in this room, are the 3 very BEST wrestlers in this business, they are looking at The Trilogy. THAT is news, THAT is what people should be excited about. Rated RKO is an old newspaper, Rated RKO is America Online and they are useless and have no place in the Wrestling world anymore. I can’t wait to even just be at ringside while you two send your message to the world loud and clear that The Trilogy, this time around are a united group of asskickers, who aren’t to be messed with. I can’t think of two better guys to make an example of them those two overrated pieces of shit.

AJ looked restless.

AJ Styles: The point is. We’re the Trilogy and they’re rated R-K- Blow... there’s no friggin chance of them beating us on Monday night. Now what do you say we go get R-K- Blown and stop sitting around here pointlessly talking about a match that we’re so clearly going to win?

The Miz: Twist my arm... why don’t you?

AJ did just that twisting Miz arm and dragging him back into the party. Ted followed behind as three extremely attractive blondes met them right on the other side of the door. Smiles were on all 3 of the Trilogy member’s faces as the scene faded out to black.

The scene opened up at a house show. When all of a sudden to no music at all, The Trilogy entered the scene. There was a match going on between two unknowns. The Trilogy walked down the aisle they all wore black with Red Letters T-Shirts that said “The Trilogy” on the front and “You wish you were us.” On the back, with a very cool looking Trilogy logo, they also all had on black pants. They entered the ring which caused the two wrestlers inhabiting it to stop competing. AJ took a mic out of the front of his pants. He smiled.

AJ Styles: Yes ladies that was a microphone, but I am also very happy to see you.

Miz and Ted both started laughing. They then both got microphones from the time keeper.

The Miz: Please two guys who will never make it... don’t stop on our account.

Miz, Ted and AJ all crossed their arms and the two men in the ring looked at each other, shrugged, and then locked up again. One of the wrestlers got a side head lock in.

Ted DiBiase: OK, that’s enough.

The two men stopped again turning to look at Ted, but instead one turned into a Styles Clash from AJ and the other a SCF from Miz. AJ and Miz kicked their bodies out of the ring, and the bell rang for a double disqualification.

The Miz: You didn’t honestly think we were going to watch those two scrubs finish their match did you?

The crowd was booing their brains out.

The Miz: Oh you did? That’s so sweet.

AJ Styles: ‘She’s All That’ references aside Miz, we have a match on Monday.

The Miz looked shocked

The Miz: A match?! Against who?

AJ Styles: Rated RKO.

The crowd cheered. Miz was playing like he was concerned.

The Miz: Rated RKO… well that’s.. that’s… great.

His feigned concerned turned into an arrogant smile. The crowd booed.

The Miz: That’s fantastic… that’s dare I say... awesome… I can’t think of anyone I’d rather be facing. You see MIZtakes.. Rated RKO is a perfect opponent for us on Monday Night. Day after day… week after week... month after month... year after year. Rated RKO is pumped up as the best alliance of all time. The best duo to ever step in the ring together. The best tag team in the history of this business. The best… the best... the best.. Really?

The crowd yelled REALLY! Back at The Miz.

The Miz: Really? Rated RKO is the best alliance of all time? REEALLLY? No. The best alliance of all time are the three handsome devils that are standing in the ring right now. The Trilogy is the best group to ever step foot in this or any other sports entertainment company. The proof is in the pudding, and what better way to show that than by beating the pudding out of Rated RKO.

AJ Styles: What kind of pudding? 

The Miz: Chocolate... if you catch my drift.

Ted DiBiase: I do... you mean you’re going to get the shit out of them.

The Miz: To quote a former Trilogy member... “INDEED, Ted” That is exactly what I’m saying we are going to do.

The crowd booed.

AJ Styles: Oh shut up! BOOOOO these are the bad guys! BOOOO! Why boo us? Honestly, why? You should cheer for us, because we are the honest ones. We may not be telling you idiots what you want to hear, but we’re telling you the truth. If we say we’re the best it’s because we are if we say to a chick she’s going to sit on our face... it’s because she is... and if we say that we’re going to destroy Rated RKO on Warfare, it’s because that’s EXACTLY what’s going to happen. 

More boos from the crowd.

AJ Styles: I'm going to make Randy my little bitch and Edge can do what he does best... watch. 

The Miz: Couldn’t have said it better. So what I need you all to do after the show tonight is go home, brush your teeth... some of you for the first time in months… take a shower... same as the teeth.. and go to sleep. Go to sleep and dream about what you hope happens in the main event on Monday Night. Dream about Rated RKO defeating AJ and myself. Hell if you want you can even do it right now. Go ahead all of you close your eyes… DO IT!

The camera cut around the arena a couple of people actually did have their eyes closed.

The Miz: That’s it, now visualize Rated RKO gaining a victory over us. Yeah maybe an RKO from Orton to me… or a spear by Edge on AJ. Now open them. Open them so that you can SEE me telling all of you that NONE of what you just visualized… none of what you will dream about, is going to happen. Instead what you are going to see is AJ and myself leaving Rated RKO motionless and decimated in the middle of this ring. Too many times things get in the way of achieving any true success. Two years ago the EBWF Championship came between AJ and myself, but rest assured that NOTHING is going to split this group apart this time around. NOTHING is going to weaken us, NOTHING or NOBODY is going to beat us. ESPECIALLY not Rated RKO. We’re the Trilogy... we’re going NOWHERE... and I can say with the utmost confidence that if they don’t already after Monday, your heroes, your favorites Randy Orton and Edge, will without question.. WISH THEY WERE… US!

AJ threw two more words in.

AJ Styles: Like WHAT!

Somewhere Iggy Azalea cosigned. All three men of the Trilogy dropped their mics and exited the ring to a chorus of boo’s. As the scene faded to black.

This was not an ordinary way for most segments to begin. But nothing about The Trilogy was ordinary. Screams and pleas filled the sound system. The titantron lit up with the camera panning backwards to reveal a group of men and women, all sitting on the ground with burlap sacks hiding their identities. One individual was being choked viciously, the hand belonged to AJ Styles who was getting way more pleasure out the man's terror than any human being should.

AJ Styles: ...We’re a long way from St. Louis…

The full scene was revealed. A large garage. Styles strolled past the men and approached the women. He licked the cleavage of the first woman he approached. She screamed in fear of being sexually assaulted. The other ladies were literally shaking, paranoid of what was going to happen next. The Miz entered the scene.

The Miz: We are here in Phoenix after just making a visit to the EBWF Headquarters. We’ve tried scheduling a meeting with Chris Jericho, but he seemed to be very busy.

AJ Styles: Or… he’s a GOD DAMN COWARD!

Styles picked a random fellow from the group, a slender gentleman in a black suit and shoved from away from the pack. He collapsed onto his knees while the dark, native of Georgia sneered down at him.


Styles stared downwards at the helpless man with zero remorse. Against his better judgment, the blind man stood to his feet.

The Miz: Chris, I can understand if you’re afraid. Who isn’t afraid of us? You’re scheduled to be in the building tonight for a very big announcement. I hope that announcement is regarding you resignation. If not, well we have a few demands. To make things sweet, let’s give you a little bit of incentive.

Ted DiBiase walked into the fray snatching the sack off the standing man’s head.

The Miz: Edward Kaufman… Executive Vice President of Consumer Products. Responsible for overseeing all EBWF merchandise, exports, and designs. Seems pretty important…

Kaufman looked directly into the camera before Styles struck him across the side of his head with an open hand slap causing him to cower almost instantly.

The Miz: Next we have…

DiBiase revealed the next man.

The Miz: Kurt Schneider… Chief Financial Officer. Responsible for overseeing all EBWF financial and budgeting decisions.

The former World Champion AJ Styles lowered to stare the man in the face. He pulled back a fist and feigned a punch and the poor guy covered his head entirely with his arms. Styles grinned at the reaction and began to laugh.

AJ Styles: Heh heh heh. Exactly what I thought was going to happen. No spine, no heart. Unable to face up to what they helped to create. Why does Edge have a job? You pay him to sit on his ass. Get up!

As soon as the man stood to his feet DiBiase knocked him right back down with a stiff punch to the face.

AJ Styles: Crawl. On your hands and knees.

The feeble man did as he was instructed and made a frantic crawl to a corner getting into the fetal position.

Ted DiBiase: Destroy. Erase. Rebuild.

AJ Styles: We start with Rated RKO.

AJ Styles: I hate Randy Orton. I hate Edge. I guess it would almost be inspiring that we got you two to show a little focus and drive for the first time in... what? A year? I said almost. Almost inspiring if the sources weren't a pair of has-beens.

Miz flashed a patronizing sort of smirk.

The Miz: That's very interesting. Because I recall a point in time when Edge and Orton were scheduled to cut a promo and instead ate cupcakes.  

AJ Styles: They must’ve had the munchies.

Styles shook his head.

The Miz: I’ve also noticed Edge's sudden flashes of brilliance when he decided to name all of AJ’s sex partners on twitter. Real mature.

AJ Styles: Like it’s even possible.

The Miz: We kicked their ass and how do they respond?  

AJ Styles: They hide.

Styles stretched his arms outwards and motioned to other hostages.

AJ Styles: Like the cowards that run this company.

One of the women, a shapely looking brunette, who looked much younger than the rest, caught Styles eye. He made his way over to her and swept his hair backwards in a mock attempt to look suave for his captive.
DiBiase removed the bag to reveal Stephanie McMahon.

AJ Styles: Hi beautiful. Am I your type? Or do you like 'em, "rude", "crude" and "tattooed"? How about you go one on one with the big bad wolf?

The offended and frightened billion dollar princess could only glare back as Styles kissed her lips by force.

The Miz: I don’t think Shane would like you touching his sister that way.

AJ Styles: As if this whore was worth fighting for.

A hooded man most likey Shane McMahon began to struggle but DiBiase calmed him down after a few kicks to the ribs.

AJ Styles: I wonder how Nicole Ikeda tastes…

The Miz: Whoa… Randy doesn't like it if you mess with his wife. Goes without saying right? Well, Randy, it will probably help ease your troubled mind to know that when we are done with you, nothing will be able to stop AJ from having… a taste…

A chuckle came from The Trilogy members.

Ted DiBiase: How does it feel to know that you can’t even save her, despite how much you want to? You won’t even be able to save yourself! Does it mess with your mind? Does it trouble you? Because it's only a matter of time before we corner that fair, precious little princess and there won't be anything you can do about it.

AJ Styles: It doesn't have to happen like that. No. It doesn't. Jericho just has to give us what we want. He either gives us title shots or he quits the company for good. Plain and simple. We don’t want to force the issue. Edge and Orton aren't going to be able to stop us.  I mean, honestly, it's stupid to think that these two are really going to be the heroes that stop us. They aren't. The name "Rated RKO" doesn't mean anything anymore. In Randy Orton's year long title reign, he never came close to doing anything on our level and the Rated R Superstar should have just gone out like a real rockstar... and DIED.

Suddenly, Styles snatched Shane McMahon by his tie, he jerked him over, and brought the bridge of his nose crashing into his fist. It burst almost instantly and he collapsed in a heap while blood gushed through the fingers that covered his face. Styles gave his knuckles a quick kiss.

AJ Styles: When Jericho gives us what we want we won’t go around hurting whoever we want. We will be professional. We will be patient… But until that happens… no one’s safe...

The camera continued to roll as Styles, Miz, and DiBiase began to approach the other EBWF employees who were huddled around their wounded coworkers. The footage abruptly ended in static.